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Summer News

Hello everyone! This summer has been hectic but good in so many ways. In this first section there is a little on what happened this summer and the last part is what is happening in August (opening of the center!). At the very end is a short update on the children’s book I am publishing.

I just returned to Mexico after being stateside for almost two months. My stay was a little longer than anticipated because I took a class while I was home! Thanks to your donations I was able to take a class for nurses to be certified in limited OB ultrasounds. This class is specifically geared towards nurses who volunteer to run the ultrasound machine in pregnancy care centers. In order to complete this class I had to do 75 scans with a trained professional and hours of online lectures and quizzes. God opened doors for me in several places to complete most of these scans. I was able to learn so much and feel much more equipped in general to take on directing a center and running the ultrasound machine. The few scans I wasn’t able to finish up in the states I will be able to finish with the doctor here who is on our team. This is good because I will get the teaching in English and Spanish! Please pray for me as I finish up the last few scans and quizzes.

It was wonderful to be able to be home to welcome another sweet little nephew, born on the 4th of July! Loved getting to snuggle my sweet nephews and niece and see almost all my family!

As much as I enjoy it, being stateside is never a vacation (especially when you get sick twice) so I am a bit drained but am excited for this next chapter here in Mexico! Personally, I am doing a lot better than I was doing when I wrote my last newsletter, so thank you for praying for everything that was going on at that time. Your prayers seriously made all the difference for me!

While I was in the states, the amazing Brilla Life team, along with several volunteers from local churches, put on 3 kids camps in different rural villages reaching over 150 children! They did an incredible job and planted so many seeds. Please be praying for all that God will continue to do with that work that was done during those camps!

What will August hold:

August will be intense! These first few weeks will involve many meetings (discussing when we will open, what to start with, ect) in order to get the pregnancy center finally open to clients. There will also be a ton of business administrative work I will need to do (most of it I have no idea how to do but God will bring the people alongside me that I need!) lots of creating forms (for ultrasound, pregnancy tests, counseling, volunteers, and so much more), policies, a website, an email, getting a phone set up, printing out advertisement, ect….the list just keeps going haha. Then there is the promotion side of making flyers to hand out personally, hanging them up in tiendas, cafes, so forth. So if all that goes well the tentative open date will be August 23!

In the middle of August, Brilla Life will be starting up classes for the children in the community once again! This round of classes will be similar to the last round (guitar, piano, English, science, and preschool library time). So please be praying for this as well, Alicia and I will go hand out flyers around the neighborhood next week while Ben and Susie tackle the online promotions.

We will still continue to go to the same rural village we have been going to, but now we are adding in another village! So now every Saturday there will be a village outreach rather than every other Saturday. We are excited for this new opportunity!

Also in August (last thing I promise!) Brilla Life will be starting back up with their soccer camp! This is a 2-3 month event that involves many different churches and communities. Please be praying for this upcoming ministry outreach.

Book update!

Drum roll……………the book is FINALLY finished! All stages are complete and it is now in the process of being printed!!! This may take a few weeks as my illustrator and I have to approve of the printed copy before they can start selling it. So please pray these printed books make it to Mexico, the mail can be a bit dodgy! I cannot believe this is actually happening; this is totally all God’s work! As soon as it is available to buy I will let you all know where and how to do that!

As always, thank you for your faithful prayers and support! You are an important part of what God is doing here in Mexico and I thank Him for each of you every day!

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